Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I am blond because I choose to be.  I am Biblically Blond because God has chosen me.  I am loved by God, forgiven and cleansed, saved.  I am a new creation because of Jesus and I am devoted to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  I invite you to follow me as I follow Christ and I will do my best to share with you what I have learned in my Christian walk. I can promise you that this blog will be a little "blond" at times.  What's that word my kids use on me?  Oh yes!  Random!  I'm a little random at times, but that's how I roll.  I love to laugh until my sides hurt and my face is stuck in a smile, but I have also cried until my eyes were swollen and hurt so deeply that I felt the pain down deep in my bones.

In my 47 years I have seen the death of a parent and a sibling, the deep pain of suffering with a loved one who is in recovery from an eating disorder, my husband having cancer, walking through healing with a loved one who had been abused, raising five children, rebellion and repentance, after 17 years at home becoming a working mom, graduations, marrying off two dear daughters, sending off two eligible bachelors to college, and the list could go on and on and on.  Through it all, I have learned that God loves me so much and wants to have a relationship with me that is real and personal.  I can bring Him all of my hurts for comfort and joys for celebrating.